Most of your questions can be answered in 10 to 15 minutes. Every effort will be made to get you the answers you need as quickly as possible. You can get your questions answered here or arm yourself with some knowledge before a vet visit.
I would like to start out with saying that the purpose of these live chats is to provide advice as well as insight to a number of things such as giving information on the basics of husbandry and care, all of the way up to the advanced medical end. These consultations are not meant to replace the advice of your vet, and while I am not a vet, I am very well versed and experienced with medical cases. I am not trying to replace the advice of your vet, just give you another option. I feel that there is a need and a gap for more education and information regarding reptiles in which it is not always relayed at the veterinarian office during a visit. Because of my experience, I may be able to pick up on something that the vet overlooked. It happens all the time.
These consultations can help give information and shed some insight in order to help determine a path of treatment as well as analyze illness and other problems that are affecting the health and well being of your reptile.
If you would like to chat live with me, I will usually be available from 11am CST to 3pm CST. I will be availabe other times intermittantly so check back often or contact me to set up a time.
In order to fully utilize your time during your live chat, I request that you please send me any pertinent documents that will help me evaluate your individual situation such as blood tests, x-rays, any medications that your reptile is on currently, the results of any recent fecal exams and any other information that you feel would be important in this session. You are welcome to include pictures of your reptile if you wish to, and in many cases this is immensely helpful so I can assess the overall health and physical condition of your reptile more effectively.
To start a live chat, simply click the chat now button above. If you like, at the end of the chat you can click on the Donate button under the live chat button to submit a donation for your chat time. Feel free to donate whatever you think is appropriate.
Lets keep your reptile happy and healthy.
Thank You.
Tracie Kretzschmar, MS